Saturday, February 23, 2019

Well, major pressure put me to bed last night and major pressure got me out of bed this morning. I would love to live without that pressure but it seems God has not removed it yet!
So... how to be satisfied in a world of pressure is what I am thinking about. Try to name a person you have met this last year or in the last few years who is satisfied. Can you name any? I think this may be a key to relieving some stress. 
Do I have the life I want to live right now? 
Most of each day is spent trying to relieve pressure. There is not a lot of productivity that happens when this is the main need that requires my attention every day. Pressure creates all the negative things... bad eyesight, headaches... these make doing regular work and tasks very difficult. Take away pressure and everything seems a breeze... easy! 
I have never told this story here but it came to my mind this morning...
I was out shopping one day, in one of those stores I go to when I want a real 'fill my senses with beauty' stores. I did not have any particular needs but I like this store and the items they tend to carry. I was somewhat bored that day.
I cannot remember how the conversation started but it did... I cannot even remember what the conversation was about but it was fairly long especially for taking place in the aisle of a store with a stranger.
Maybe I sensed a need in the other person... I tend to give my attention to someone if I sense a genuine need and if I feel I should give my attention to that person in that moment.
I must have sensed this so I did. When I converse, seriously attend to the interchange, I am deliberate in my words and hope they will be helpful.
At the end of this rather long interchange a big smile broke out on the face of this person who then looked me straight in the eye and said, "You know I feel so good right now I don't even need to do any shopping."
Then I watched this person leave the store... without buying anything.
Now, retailers may not like this story but I think there is a lesson in it.
Satisfaction does not come from buying trinkets... that seems to be a diversion... an activity to try to relieve boredom perhaps... 
most of us just need someone to listen, attend to the words, adhere to the principle of authenticity of true caring and when I or you succeed in this... 
for me, the root of God's love is the place from which I speak...
when I succeed... another feels satisfaction and continues on their day with a smile and a light step.
I felt honoured by the result of that interchange... to meet any need of another in a given moment becomes the sum total of our lives... 
especially when you know you've given words of encouragement specified to that situation from the foundation of Biblical principles you try to live by.
For me, this is a perfect depiction of traversing life and what it's like to succeed at anything... it's a careful stepping on a narrow path, the Biblical foundation laid a long time ago with roots going deep enough to show forth a beautiful canopy of protection that we all want then being kind enough to offer words that lighten anothers' load along the way.
This is a 'be satisfied' moment... let us all have many of those and may God bring the increase for each of us as we do this.

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