Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Be Resolute

With solemn determination, this morning, he said to me, "I am resolute." The word resolute is for a time such as this. Some people have jobs. Some do not. The world is in a pause, a hush, a hesitation. What is the most necessary ingredient to successfully navigate each day? I believe it is to be resolute... in whatever you put your hand to in each day. How is this enacted for myself?
Well, I am adventurous in trying new things in my homemade soups. Eating healthy is paramount to maintain a positive outlook... eat well, feel well, do well.
I've been planting a lot of seeds. Every day I check the soil to see if a new seed has popped out of the ground. Growing plants is a wonderful way to learn patience, practice diligence, sprout hope, When you first plant seeds in the soil you spend many days watering with faith. You've planted before, you know the seeds come out of the soil and produce a plant if you carefully tend them. Many times I am about to give up on a seed and then, like this morning, the tiniest of green surfaces and I get excited about the promise of this beginning of growth. Setting goals is still important in every day and purpose grows in the small deeds of dedication.
Maybe you've heard the saying, "Most of life is getting ready." Find a goal, a purpose, and set yourself to the task of getting it done. Your day will feel more fruitful. It can be as simple as making a new soup for your loved one or offering a gift of learning, and,                                ENCOURAGEMENT.  
   This lovely hydrangea you see in the basket is real. I purchased it just before Easter, put it on the table to enjoy the beauty and found it wilted and drooping a couple of days later. I swiftly investigated and found it needed water. A good drink of that life force and it came back to full robustness. This greatly encouraged me and all the little seedlings that I've planted and are growing a little each day also gives me purpose each day.
Let the fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self- control, take root and bear up in a passion for living.
Be Resolute!

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