Monday, July 29, 2019

What Makes You So Attractive?

These days it is difficult to find comfort but it is the most important work every believer can do right now. Prophecy has always been a favourite subject for me so I listen to many prophecy teachers these days... it comforts me.
I am anxiously awaiting the rapture... expectantly.
While I wait, I am living my faith and learning as much as I can to live it clearly and deliberately. So, yesterday, I learned a lot. Well, reading over my journal notes of the last few weeks is just so encouraging. It's like a treasure trove of wisdom... I put Scripture quotes in large letter form in a lovely hand written script...
"The hand of the diligent shall bear rule." Proverbs 12:24 KJV 
Just a few words but, wow, do they encourage me. The school of learning never stops for the diligent. Listening to teaching, then writing it down is my way of learning. Sometimes I write notes in the dark because I am relaxing and I don't want to turn on a light to write so the note looks interesting when I look at it even this morning... 'the weakest reed'  looks precisely like what the words say... even that provides a signature of humility and soft compassionate thought to the fragility of life. Sometimes I write a simple strong statement...
That was the only note I wrote one day in June. The day before this, I wrote the name of a man and what his name means. 
A few days later I have notes on the most fascinating story I watched which proves the scientific blood analysis of Jesus' blood... the man who discovered that has passed on but his story is powerful.
Words matter. 

Think about this title for a sermon I listened to this last week... 

"What makes you so attractive?"

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